Research projects

Our projects span early stage studies such as first in human and feasibility studies to developing new research methodologies and tools. Take a look at all our projects across all our research themes and workstreams.


Interviewing surgical teams to optimise new chemotherapy delivery method

Bowel, ovarian and stomach cancer often spreads (metastasises) to the lining (peritoneum) of the abdominal…

Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation

Workstream Innovative translational research methods

My Knee Plan

During this project we will ask researchers, healthcare professionals and patients to co-produce a care…

Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation

Workstream Interventions to improve patient outcomes after surgery

The ALPACA study

High quality shared decision making processes that focus on the patient are an important part…

Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation

Workstream Innovative translational research methods

Making trials more accessible through better patient information leaflets

Clinical trials are research projects that compare different treatments to see which one is best.

Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation

Workstream Interventions to improve patient outcomes after surgery

Setting research priorities with under-served communities

This project focused on ensuring the research we conduct addresses the needs and priorities of…

Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation

Workstream Interventions to improve patient outcomes after surgery

FFLEX study

During the FFLEX study we will be looking at a new type of knee implant.

Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation

Workstream Novel surgical and orthopaedic techniques and devices

Improving sleep for inpatients on surgical wards

The aim of this project is to design an intervention to improve how patients on…

Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation

Workstream Interventions to improve patient outcomes after surgery

Developing a core outcome set for periprosthetic femoral fractures

A femoral fracture is a serious complication that can affect some people after they have…

Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation

Workstream Interventions to improve patient outcomes after surgery

Mapping health services available to patients waiting for joint replacement

As of April 2023, over 40 per cent of people on NHS waiting lists (a…

Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation

Workstream Interventions to improve patient outcomes after surgery