Dr Helen Bould
Deputy theme co-lead for Mental health
Workstream lead for Psychological interventions
Dr Helen Bould is a NIHR Advanced Fellow and Associate Professor in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
She is co-lead for the developing and piloting novel psychological interventions workstream of the mental health theme.
Her particular area of research expertise is in eating disorders. Within the Biomedical Research Centre (BRC), she is working with a range of stakeholders including people with lived experience of eating disorders, their parents and carers to develop choice architecture interventions to prevent eating disorders and body dissatisfaction, and novel virtual reality interventions to treat people with eating disorders.
Helen also works clinically in Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust.
Do school PE kit policies impact girls’ body image?
Themes Diet and physical activity Mental health
Workstreams Population diet and physical activity Psychological interventions
Exploring factors behind disordered eating and eating disorders
Theme Mental health
Workstream Psychological interventions
Exploring environmental risk factors for eating disorders
Theme Mental health
Workstream Psychological interventions
Using choice architecture to help prevent eating disorders
Theme Mental health
Workstream Psychological interventions
Changing attention bias to reduce body dissatisfaction
Theme Mental health
Workstream Psychological interventions
Developing novel virtual reality treatments for eating disorders
Theme Mental health
Workstream Psychological interventions