Improving access to green spaces for adolescent girls in Bradford

Theme Diet and physical activity

Workstream Population diet and physical activity

Status: This project is ongoing

Adolescent girls are less likely to be physically active than boys. South Asian children are also less likely to be physically active than children from other cultural backgrounds. This means that adolescent girls from a South Asian background are likely to be much less physically active than many of their peers. Especially if they live in multi-ethnic, high-deprived areas, such as Bradford.

Green spaces can address this inequality by giving girls the opportunity of being physically active outdoors. However, the availability of green spaces doesn’t automatically translate into positive health outcomes for women living in deprived areas. We need to understand more about how to support girls so they can access these spaces in their everyday lives.

Project aims

This study will explore how to develop interventions that improve access to green spaces for adolescent girls in Bradford.

During the study, researchers will collaborate with Born in Bradford’s physical activity program for children and young people called JU:MP.

What we hope to achieve

This project will provide an in-depth understanding of how we can improve the accessibility of green spaces for adolescent girls through physical, social, cultural, and institutional assets within their neighbourhoods.

Our colleagues in Bradford will put together recommendations on how to develop community-based interventions that can be funded through various sources, such as community and research funding.

This work is being carried out by researchers in Bradford as part of Bristol BRC’s collaboration with the Bradford Institute for Health Research.