Professor Kate Tilling
Workstream lead for Large, complex datasets Genetic evidence to prioritise intervention
Kate Tilling is Professor of Medical Statistics and MRC Investigator in the MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit at the University of Bristol.
She leads a multidisciplinary team of health data scientists developing and applying statistical methods for causal inference.
Her main research interests are in the development and application of statistical methods to causal problems in epidemiology/health services research. Two particular areas are methods for analysis of longitudinal data, and methods for minimising bias due to missing data.
She is part of Bristol BRC’s translational data science theme.
Improving decisions on what to focus on in research using large datasets
Theme Translational data science
Workstream Large, complex datasets
Do ethnicity and coexisting health conditions impact high-risk diabetes?
Theme Translational data science
Workstreams Clinical informatics platforms Large, complex datasets
Handling missing data in large electronic healthcare record datasets
Theme Translational data science
Workstream Large, complex datasets