Improving sleep for inpatients on surgical wards
Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation
Workstream Interventions to improve patient outcomes after surgery
Setting research priorities with under-served communities
Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation
Workstream Interventions to improve patient outcomes after surgery
Making trials more accessible through better patient information leaflets
Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation
Workstream Interventions to improve patient outcomes after surgery
Developing an online platform to create accessible patient information leaflets
Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation
Workstream Interventions to improve patient outcomes after surgery
Promoting inclusive research involvement through film
Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation
Workstream Interventions to improve patient outcomes after surgery
How do we stop or reduce treatments that don’t work or aren’t cost-effective?
Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation
Workstream Innovative translational research methods
My Knee Plan
Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation
Workstream Interventions to improve patient outcomes after surgery
Joint PREP study
Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation
Workstream Interventions to improve patient outcomes after surgery
Optimising the efficiency and value of burn care research
Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation
Workstream Innovative translational research methods