Rehabilitation for revision joint replacement

Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation

Workstream Interventions to improve patient outcomes after surgery

Status: This project is ongoing

The aim of this project is to understand what rehabilitation services are currently available to patients who have undergone a revision total knee replacement. A revision total knee replacement is a procedure for people who have previously had their knee replaced. During this procedure a surgeon removes any worn or damaged parts of the previous replacement and substitutes them for new ones.

A revision total knee replacement is a major operation with a long recovery period and many patients report experiencing suboptimal results once they have undergone the procedure. Rehabilitation has the potential to improve outcomes for patients who have undergone a revision total knee replacement because it aims to improve their function and well-being.

We want to explore what rehabilitation services are currently offered to patients who have undergone revision total knee replacement. We will do this by conducting an online survey of physiotherapy staff in hospitals across England. After this we will identify and review previous studies evaluating rehabilitation programmes for adults undergoing revision joint replacement.

The data we collect will help us determine whether we should develop new rehabilitation interventions for patients undergoing revision joint replacement.