Sensing, Prediction and Alerts in COPD Exacerbations (SPACE) Study I

Theme Respiratory disease

Workstream Exacerbation prediction and aerosol emissions

Status: This project is ongoing

We have previously looked at how patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) use the myCOPD app to track their condition. We wanted to see whether myCOPD app data could be used to predict sudden COPD flare ups (exacerbations). This project will build on that work through the Sensing, Prediction and Alerts in COPD Exacerbations (SPACE) study.

We will combine machine learning with myCOPD app data to develop a tool that helps app users by telling them they are at risk of an exacerbation. We want to understand how accurate this tool needs to be to be useful for myCOPD app users. We would also like them to tell us what they think a good exacerbation alert might look like.