Sensing, Prediction and Alerts in COPD Exacerbations (SPACE) Study II

Theme Respiratory disease

Workstream Exacerbation prediction and aerosol emissions

Status: This project is ongoing

The Sensing, Prediction and Alerts in COPD Exacerbations (SPACE) studies aim to develop a tool for myCOPD app users to let them know when they are at risk of a flare-up (exacerbation).  

We are working with people who use myCOPD on the tool, which combines machine learning with data from the app. In the first SPACE Study, we wanted to understand how accurate an exacerbation tool needs to be to be useful for myCOPD app users. We also wanted them to tell us what they think a good exacerbation alert might look like.  

The second SPACE Study aims to understand whether the tool we have developed is acceptable to myCOPD users and how regularly they might use it.  

We will use sensing technologies such as smart watches, smart inhalers, smart spirometer and pulse oximeters. These will be combined with ‘ecologically momentary assessments’ – regular snapshots of how a person is feeling or what they are doing. We are also undertaking interviews and focus groups.